Greenfield Solutions

Step Into the

World of MVNO

Step Into the World of MVNO

From media and retail giants to banks, football clubs and communities, many can benefit from telco services. Choosing the MVNO model opens up a world of market opportunities with minimal infrastructure and operational costs.


What an MVNO Model Will Bring to Your Businesss

Like every other venture, launching an MVNO involves risk. However, in our expert opinion, the benefits far outweigh the risks. With our solutions, we will help you to:

Grow Your Business

Open up a new revenue channel by offering your own telco services.
Connect With Your Customers
If you already offer own content such as music, video, games, or any enhanced services, taking them into MVNO model allow you to connect with your customer base in a new way.
Keep Your Customers Happy
You gain brand new customers and glowing reviews by offering a better deal than traditional content operators. Plus, your existing customers stay loyal and spread word of your MVNO to their friends and family. It’s a win-win!
Stay True To Your Brand’s Promise
Your brand already addresses a niche audience far better than a large service provider is able to. By selecting MVNO approach, your business can continue to deliver on the promise made to your customers in even more ways than before.
We Help You Determine Where You Stand

You might be wondering where to start or what are the key factors that will give your business a strong chance of


    Want to identify your strengths, key success factors, and all the steps you need to take as an MVNO to create the best possible customer experience?

    Enter your email and we will send the answers right to your inbox.

    Look no further — that’s where we come in, helping you to answer all the pressing questions and reveal your success factors:

    Identify Your Organizational
    Strengths Checklist


    Success Key Factors


    Get the Right Perspective
    An MVNO allows you to expand your business and provide your customers with a better experience delivered through your brand. Before you start your MVNO business plan, you will need to have a clear understanding of what the MVNO will entail for your customers. You will also need to be aware of how your customer’s needs and expectations of your service translate to business and technical requirements.

      Want to identify your strengths, key success factors, and all the steps you need to take as an MVNO to create the best possible customer experience?

      Enter your email and we will send the answers right to your inbox.

      Your customers’ experience process has 4 stages:

      But how do these stages translate into the work you need to do in order to make them a reality?

      Define the best service for you and your customers.

      We have the answers

      Get The Answers


      Keep Margins in Mind

      Industry wide, the principle of the MVNO model is to tap into a niche and serve it efficiently. Tight margins are inevitable. But that doesn’t mean you have to settle for the bare minimum. Successful negotiators understand the needs of the other party.

      Our strategic associations with some of the largest mobile operators give us insights into what they are looking for from an MVNO. We’ve negotiated many major wholesale contracts resulting in great margins.
      The benefits MNOs themselves gain through integrating with our superior platform and operational team result in better pricing deals for you.

      We also offer clear tactical advantages by pointing out potential hidden costs unfamiliar to those new to the MVNO world.

      Our experiences with many MNOs, combined with the efficiencies inherent in our platform and approach, mean we can find a mutually beneficial compromise.
      We offer indirect support by providing guidelines to best practices in negotiating with MNOs.
      We can also comment on draft proposals and contracts, or our experts can participate directly in negotiations to ensure that you get the best terms for lasting growth.

      Industry wide, the principle of the MVNO model is to tap into a niche and serve it efficiently. Tight margins are inevitable. But that doesn’t mean you have to settle for the bare minimum. Successful negotiators understand the needs of the other party.

      Our strategic associations with some of the largest mobile operators give us insights into what they are looking for from an MVNO. We’ve negotiated many major wholesale contracts resulting in great margins.
      The benefits MNOs themselves gain through integrating with our superior platform and operational team result in better pricing deals for you.

      We also offer clear tactical advantages by pointing out potential hidden costs unfamiliar to those new to the MVNO world.

      Our experiences with many MNOs, combined with the efficiencies inherent in our platform and approach, mean we can find a mutually beneficial compromise.
      We offer indirect support by providing guidelines to best practices in negotiating with MNOs.
      We can also comment on draft proposals and contracts, or our experts can participate directly in negotiations to ensure that you get the best terms for lasting growth.


      Launch an MVNO with Us

      Start off on the right foot in MVNO business by partnering up with a trusted MVNE partner, as Effortel is, no matter the brand’s products of your choice.

      We believe in real partnerships, built on trust, respect and cooperation, and free of conflict. We’re here to support you and help reduce your risk.

      We are interested in one thing and that is to help you connect with your customers in the way that’s best for you. Our flexible business models let you choose exactly how involved you want to be.